What is an Alcoholic with High Functioning : Signs That a person is high functioning and drinking

The typical image of an alcoholic is one who is clearly intoxicated at all times, sometimes to dangerous levels. They are unable to hold any kind of meaningful employment for any length of time and barely manage their own personal and daily lives. They frequently suffer serious health issues as a result of their lack of basic hygiene.If not already in ruins, their lives are frequently in the process of falling apart. Due to their drinking, many alcoholics are unable to build or maintain healthy relationships.
The high-functioning alcoholic, on the other hand, is not like this.A person with high-functioning alcoholism may never reach the “rock bottom” state that prompts many to seek treatment, but they are able to maintain a relatively “together” life and exterior appearance.Even though the consequences of their drinking must be kept a secret, they are able to maintain a plateau level of consumption.
High-functioning alcoholics frequently continue their drinking in private and are able to maintain a relatively normal work-life balance. They are unquestionably dependent on alcohol and require it to avoid cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Because they are able to conceal their impairment from others, they frequently remain employed for an extended period of time.
How can you tell if someone is an alcoholic who functions well?
The fear of never being able to take the drug of choice again is one of the hallmarks of any substance abuse disorder.A high-functioning alcoholic can be potentially identified in a variety of ways.
The standard for excessive drinking is the primary indicator. Women are considered to be heavy drinkers if they consume more than three drinks per day, or seven drinks in a week; men are considered to be heavy drinkers if they consume four drinks per day, or fourteen drinks in a week. Risk is greatly increased for those who drink more than that on a regular basis.
Humor that is misplaced or self-deprecating is another of these signs.A high-functioning alcoholic may joke about being an alcoholic or state that they have a problem, often in a way that others in the area will think is funny. Alcohol may also help them relax, feel more confident, or feel less anxious.
A high-functioning alcoholic may also lose friends because of their drinking, but they will deny that it is because of their drinking.They’ll also frequently deny that they drink at all and even become irate when confronted about it.To avoid having to admit or personally confront the amount of alcohol they consume, many will even conceal the alcohol or empty containers.
A high-functioning alcoholic is probably someone who drinks at relatively steady rates or at regular intervals throughout the day.This frequently indicates that they are attempting to reduce their alcohol cravings and avoid any withdrawal symptoms.This interval drinking can also include drinking every night after work or binge drinking on the weekends after not drinking during the week.
The drinker’s closest friends and family will likely be the first to notice any negative effects.Because many high-functioning alcoholics are quite skilled at concealing their disease from others, those on the outside will probably have a hard time spotting anything that seems unusual.
Side Effects of Being a High-Functioning Alcoholic
While high-functioning alcoholics rarely endanger their relationships or jobs, they do put their health in serious jeopardy.Even though they typically consume less alcohol than low-functioning alcoholics, excessive drinking eventually has a negative impact on a person’s health.
Numerous cancers, as well as the liver disease that most alcoholics eventually develop, have been shown to have a higher incidence in high-functioning alcoholics.Even alcoholism-specific conditions exist, such as vitamin deficiencies that cause a condition known as “wet brain.”A condition known as “wet brain” results from years of abuse and causes memory loss and even brain damage.
Options for High-Functioning Alcoholics’ Treatment
If you’re worried about how much alcohol you, a loved one, or a close friend have been drinking, that could mean that you need help.No one, even advanced heavy drinkers ought to need to fight an excruciating habit alone, and having help and expert treatment can support the possibilities of an effective recuperation essentially.
A high-functioning alcoholic can benefit from intensive outpatient treatment facilities that help them focus on abstinence from alcohol.They can assist in teaching healthier coping strategies, such as recognizing the patient’s triggers and substituting a healthier activity for drinking.The patient will have a much better chance of long-term sobriety maintenance if they accept professional medical treatment for alcoholism.