Common Causes of Vertigo and How to Prepare for Epley Maneuver?

Vertigo is a condition where an individual feels as if they are spinning or the surrounding environment is moving around them. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including inner ear problems, migraines, and head injuries.
Let us delve into some of the common causes of vertigo and how to prepare for the Epley maneuver.
- Inner ear problems such as Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common causes of vertigo. Other inner ear conditions such as Meniere’s disease, labyrinthitis, and vestibular neuronitis can also cause vertigo.
A lot of people experience vertigo during physical exercises such as swimming. For this purpose, bouchons baignade Audiologie Centre-Ouest, is recommended, in order to prevent the water from entering the ears and creating problems.
- Migraines are another common cause of vertigo. Vestibular migraine can cause severe vertigo without any headache symptoms.
- Head injuries can also cause vertigo. If the head is hit hard or shaken, the delicate structures in the inner ear can be damaged, leading to vertigo.
Preparing for the Epley Maneuver
One of the most effective treatments for BPPV is the Epley maneuver. This procedure can be performed by a healthcare professional or at home with the help of a family member or friend.
- Choose a flat surface, such as a bed or a firm couch, where you can lie down comfortably. Make sure there is enough space around the area to move your head and neck freely. Have a pillow, a towel, and a bucket or bowl nearby in case you experience nausea or vomiting.
- Now, start by sitting on the bed with your legs extended in front of you. Turn your head 45 degrees to the side that is causing the vertigo. Lie down quickly with your head still turned to the side and your head and shoulders on the bed. Wait for any dizziness to stop before proceeding to the next step.
- Next, turn your head to the opposite side, keeping it at a 45-degree angle. Wait again for any dizziness to stop before proceeding to the next step.
- Roll your body to the side that is now facing the floor. Keep your head at the 45-degree angle. Wait for any dizziness to stop before proceeding to the final step.
- Sit up slowly, keeping your head at the 45-degree angle. After a few minutes, you can lie down on your other side and repeat the process.
The Epley maneuver is an effective treatment for BPPV, a common cause of vertigo. If you experience vertigo, it is essential to see a doctor for a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.